While the overall premise and story is good, I think King could've done major edits here. There's a lot or time spent on things being done at the characters places of work and for some reason a sexual subplot that doesn't really seem to tie in with the main plot of a mad dog. Whenever the story is focused on Cujo and the people around him it's all good but when it strays by going too far into other characters lives it starts to drag, quite a bit. The momentum of the climax gets split up too much with other sideline characters when it needs to focused on what's happening with the lead protagonist.
The imagery and suspense created during the mad dog scenes are top notch though and makes me want to
re-watch the movie.
I like how King wraps up the end though and it can be worth reading/listening to during the Cujo parts that's why I gave it the rating I did.
I also got a kick from the female narrater describing the sexual lewdness and violent gory acts performed in this. She sounded like a school teacher reading for a class of 3rd graders.