Had an opportunity to play some D&D and Untold with some friends over the weekend. Playing story games can help inspire you and create new possible scenarios for your characters, new plots.
Whether it's Rory's story cubes or a role playing game like Dungeons & Dragons, they're worth it for the inspiration alone!
If you're a DM or GM you're given the regular monthy task of creating a small story or part of an epic one! It can
be fun too!
Case in point, we had a lot of fun coming up with a story about 3 superheroes called 'The Adequates'. Bigfoot invaded a shooting range! The three superheroes tried to stop him from taking some guns and killing everybody. Unfortunately my hero in his alter ego, Alex Walter, was in the Loo when it all went down. He jumped out, toilet paper dangling, took aim at the hairy beast with his beretta and accidentally shot his sidekick Quentin in the buttocks!
Part 2 to come soon...